Car Care Advanced Service Center

Car Care Advanced Service Center

Auto Repair in Woodbury, MN

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

Contact us


9865 Norma Lane,
Woodbury , MN 55125 UNITED STATES

About Car Care Advanced Service Center

Car Care Advanced Service Center is located in Woodbury, MN provides auto repair services for vehicles. Car Care Advanced Service Center employs are all ASE-certified (automotive service excellence) technicians that use the latest automotive technology to diagnose and efficiently handle all major and minor repairs on foreign and domestic vehicles.

Our full-service automotive service center has been serving Woodbury, MN and surrounding communities since 1995. It is conveniently located near shopping and restaurants and we offer our customers loaner vehicles when needed.

As a certified NAPA AutoCare Center, we are able to provide the benefits of an established national entity while maintaining the personal touch of a family owned business. We understand that your vehicle is a major investment, and that is why we care for each customers vehicle as if it were our own.


Car Care Advanced Service Center 651-501-7700
9865 Norma Lane,
Woodbury , MN 55125 UNITED STATES
Car Care Advanced Service Center

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Car Care Advanced Service Center
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Car Care Advanced Service Center

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