Lorraine Lewis DDS

Lorraine Lewis DDS

Dentists in Hyannis, MA


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407 North St,
Hyannis , MA 02601 UNITED STATES

About Lorraine Lewis DDS

Kids Smiles Inc. is a leading pediatric practice that delivers state-of-the-art oral health care to the pediatric and adolescent population from birth to throughout their teenage years. Our goal is to provide your child with the care to make each visit the best that it can be and to promote a strong foundation for a lifetime of good dental habits. You and your child are greeted with a warm and friendly atmosphere that lasts throughout your visit. Please be assured that we will treat your child kindly and sensitively and welcome any insights you might have that will allow us to better treat your child. We utilize digital imaging and digital radiography (x-rays) to minimize our patients exposure to radiation by 90% in comparison to the conventional x-ray equipment. Digital radiographs provide quality images that make it possible to reduce the number of x-rays that we need for each child. Parents and children can view the enlarged radiographs on the flat screen monitors so that the communication with the dentist is more efficient. We also offer a state of the art sterilization to ensure your child's safety. We offer excellent behavior management options including several sedation options. We offer over the chair entertainment systems including x-box, cable and movies. We offer an extremely child friendly environment with compassionate, knowledgeable staff.


Lorraine Lewis DDS 508-534-8095
407 North St,
Hyannis , MA 02601 UNITED STATES
Lorraine Lewis DDS

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Lorraine Lewis DDS

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