The Thompson Tax Advisors

The Thompson Tax Advisors

Local Services in Ridgecrest, California

Local Services Professional Services Financial Services

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750 North China Lake Boulevard , #14
Ridgecrest , California 93555 UNITED STATES

About The Thompson Tax Advisors

Description:We assist taxpayers Nationwide and offer many tax solutions. Our step by step plan assists and guides taxpayers through the resolution process to overcome their tax issue. We offer a free, no-obligation tax consultation! Call now to speak with one of our Licensed Tax Professionals!
Hours of Operation:Monday-Thursday 9:30 AM-8:00 PM &Friday 09:30 AM-6:30 PM
Payment Method:Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Debit Card, Personal Checks
Professional Associations:A Rated and Accredited with the Better Business Bureau


The Thompson Tax Advisors 760-203-3642
750 North China Lake Boulevard , #14
Ridgecrest , California 93555 UNITED STATES
The Thompson Tax Advisors 5

Based on 2 reviews

The Thompson Tax Advisors 760-203-3642
750 North China Lake Boulevard , #14
Ridgecrest , California 93555 UNITED STATES
5 5

If you are having troubles with the IRS, call them. I can’t say enough positive things about them. From beginning to end, I am very happy. We were in serious trouble, and I was clueless what the outcome is going to be. My fear of the unknown has vanished and my IRS Tax Debt is FIXED!
posted at 07/14/14
The Thompson Tax Advisors 760-203-3642
750 North China Lake Boulevard , #14
Ridgecrest , California 93555 UNITED STATES
5 5

If you are having problems with the IRS, call these people. I can’t say enough good things with regards to them. From beginning to end, I am so pleased. We're in deep trouble, and I didn't know exactly what the outcome is going to be. My worry about of the unknown has disappeared and my IRS Tax Debt is RESOLVED!
posted at 05/03/14

Detail information

Company name
The Thompson Tax Advisors
Local Services
5.0 (2 reviews)
tax return preparation,  tax return preparation - business,  taxes -consultants & representatives bookeeping
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The Thompson Tax Advisors

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