Chandler Chiropractic Center - Kimberly Josey DC

Chandler Chiropractic Center - Kimberly Josey DC

Chiropractors in Matthews, NC


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1340 Matthews Township Pkwy, Ste 103
Matthews , NC 28105 UNITED STATES

About Chandler Chiropractic Center - Kimberly Josey DC

At Chandler Chiropractic Center, we strive to tailor your healthcare to your specific needs. We offer a variety of services and treatment techniques including physical therapy, acupuncture, nutritional programs and exercise recommendations. Our philosophy is to begin your healing process as soon as possible, so appointments are available for new patients.


Chandler Chiropractic Center - Kimberly Josey DC 704-845-8499
1340 Matthews Township Pkwy, Ste 103
Matthews , NC 28105 UNITED STATES
Chandler Chiropractic Center - Kimberly Josey DC

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Chandler Chiropractic Center - Kimberly Josey DC
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Chandler Chiropractic Center - Kimberly Josey DC

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