Minahan Dental

Minahan Dental

Dentists in Seattle, WA


Contact us


17191 Bothell Way NE, Ste B104,
Seattle , WA 98155 UNITED STATES

About Minahan Dental

Minahan Dental is a general dental practice serving Lake Forest Park, Shoreline, Mount Lake Terrace and the greater Northshore Community. Dr Allan Minahan and his staff are caring, friendly and skilled, focusing on every patients dental needs, especially young families. We are believers in preventative dental care and believe education is key to optimal oral health, thus performing oral cancer screening and dental x-rays.

Minahan Dental provides the highest quality dental care while providing a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere utilizing modern dental technology. We do this with digital x-rays and laser cavity detecting devices. Comprehensive dental examinations includes, periodontic, occlusal, caries, and temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction examinations, with oral cancer screenings. Our preventive and diagnostic general dental care includes sealants, fluoride treatments, tooth desensitization, regular hygiene visits (prophylaxis), periodontic maintenance, and nightguard therapy.


Minahan Dental 206-365-5454
17191 Bothell Way NE, Ste B104,
Seattle , WA 98155 UNITED STATES
Minahan Dental

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