Castro Painting

Castro Painting

Contractors in Marlborough, MA


Contact us


160 West Main St,
Marlborough , MA 01752 UNITED STATES

About Castro Painting

Don't just paint your house, re-invent your home!

In our eyes, a paint job is not a good paint job unless there is the Wow Factor!

Castro Painting offers interior and exterior painting for any size home and its workmanship is second to none. Every home is power washed and prepped and primed where needed before any paint is applied, all materials and trash will be cleaned-up and disposed of by us.

Our attention to detail is what sets us apart from the average painting company. We are dedicated to the highest level of customer service and quality craftsmanship. Your home and belongings will be the treated with the utmost care. We are prompt, clean, and always present ourselves in a professional manner.

Our combined expertise, product knowledge and experience guarantee long lasting, consistent results that we all can be proud of. To sum it up, Quality is our strength!


Castro Painting 508-933-3994
160 West Main St,
Marlborough , MA 01752 UNITED STATES
Castro Painting

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