Gregory D Borowski DPM

Gregory D Borowski DPM

Health and Medical in Barboursville, WV

Health and Medical Shoe Stores Clothing

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6451 Farmdale Rd,
Barboursville , WV 25504 UNITED STATES

About Gregory D Borowski DPM

Dr. Gregory Borowski has been practicing in the Tri State Area since 1992 His specialties include ingrown toe nails, heels spurs/foot pain, corns & calluses, diabetic foot care, orthotics/diabetic shoes , wart removal and much more. We provide alternatives to surgery and accept most insurances for your convenience.


Gregory D Borowski DPM 304-736-0555
6451 Farmdale Rd,
Barboursville , WV 25504 UNITED STATES
Gregory D Borowski DPM

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Gregory D Borowski DPM
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Gregory D Borowski DPM

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