Montessori Greenhouse School

Montessori Greenhouse School

Specialty Schools in Los Alamitos, CA

Specialty Schools Schools

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4001 Howard Ave,
Los Alamitos , CA 90720 UNITED STATES

About Montessori Greenhouse School

Montessori Greenhouse, established in 1970, is a privately owned school dedicated to the holistic nurturing of children and their families through the Montessori approach to education. Serving more than 270 children in two locations in Garden Grove and Los Alamitos, CA, the school is an American Montessori Society Affiliate.What's unique about the Greenhouse? We know the future of our world depends on developing autonomous people who can think for themselves,competent people with the intellectual tools for creative work, responsible people who care enough to attack social and environmental problems. Every day, our teachers do a job worth doing: helping children to become the best they can be. Montessori School Serving Huntington Beach and surrounding areas


Montessori Greenhouse School 562-430-4409
4001 Howard Ave,
Los Alamitos , CA 90720 UNITED STATES
Montessori Greenhouse School

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Montessori Greenhouse School
Specialty Schools
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Montessori Greenhouse School

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