Taxes Done Eze

Taxes Done Eze

Lawyers and Law Firms in Culver City, CA

Lawyers and Law Firms Law and Courts Taxes

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11477 Jefferson Blvd,
Culver City , CA 90230 UNITED STATES

About Taxes Done Eze

Taxes Done Eze is a tax preparation business located in Culver City, California that offers income tax, realty, and notary public services to both the public and private sector. It is conveniently located right off of the Jefferson Boulevard exit on the 405 freeway. Taxes Done Eze is owned and operated by Ezequiel Barba. Ezequiel has over 9 years of experience in preparing personal and business income tax. He has prepared income tax for individuals as well as Corporations, S-Corps, and Partnerships. He has also been an active consultant, helping individuals through IRS audits as well as given quality tax advice. He earned his Certified Tax License from the State of California in 2002. Prior to entering the Income Tax industry, Ezequiel worked several years as a Business and Ethical Trainer for an International company which expanded his business knowledge. His background and passion for numbers led him to join the industry of tax preparation. Ezequiel holds a BS degree in Business Management from Loyola Marymount University. He is also a Notary Public from the State of California and is licensed as a California Real Estate Sales Person. He is a member of an Association of Realtors, CAR. He has been interviewed on Television on a couple of occasions discussing income tax for the Spanish television Channel Univision.


Taxes Done Eze 424-228-5276
11477 Jefferson Blvd,
Culver City , CA 90230 UNITED STATES
Taxes Done Eze

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