Gregory Ahlgren

Gregory Ahlgren

Lawyers and Law Firms in Manchester, NH

Lawyers and Law Firms

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529 Union St,
Manchester , NH 03104 UNITED STATES

About Gregory Ahlgren

Attorney Greg Ahlgren is a trial lawyer in Manchester, New Hampshire who provides criminal defense services, including those for DWI, DUI, drunk driving, drug cases, assaults, and other violations, misdemeanors and felonies. He has represented clients charged with offenses ranging from minor motor vehicle infractions all the way up to first degree murder.

A graduate of Syracuse University and the University of Pennsylvania School of Law, he is a former criminal justice professor and state legislator that has over 30 years of experience in providing assistance to those finding themselves tangled up in our legal system.

Greg Ahlgren has built a practice long centered on low-cost, hands-on representation. You won't find pricey paralegals or expensive trappings, and won't be forced to pay for them. For an initial free consultation, or to inquire about pricing, call Greg Ahlgren directly today.


Gregory Ahlgren 603-669-6117
529 Union St,
Manchester , NH 03104 UNITED STATES
Gregory Ahlgren

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