Automedics Kirkland

Automedics Kirkland

Auto Repair in Kirkland, WA

Auto Repair

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11919 120th Ave Ne, Ste B,
Kirkland , WA 98034 UNITED STATES

About Automedics Kirkland

Automedics Kirkland was founded in 2003 by Jeff Egbert and Keith Milner to deliver quality, foreign and domestic automotive repair services. Conveniently located in the Totem Lake-Fred Meyer Center on 120th Ave NE, just west of I-405. Our mission is to earn your trust & confidence to efficiently & accurately repair your car or truck. The ASE certified techs at Automedics will quickly diagnose the problem using State-of-the-Art equipment and 40+ years of combined experience and offer options on the best ways to repair your car.

Automedics is a Member of the Better business Bureau. We offer a Nationwide Warranty, Discounted Towing, Financing OAC. We proudly offer special incentives to our Military and Seniors.


Automedics Kirkland 425-823-1881
11919 120th Ave Ne, Ste B,
Kirkland , WA 98034 UNITED STATES
Automedics Kirkland

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Automedics Kirkland
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Automedics Kirkland

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