Burke Animal Clinic

Burke Animal Clinic

Veterinarians in Burke, VA


Contact us


6307 Lee Chapel Rd,
Burke , VA 22015 UNITED STATES

About Burke Animal Clinic

At Burke Animal Clinic in Burke, VA compassion is our practice and wellness is our goal. We practice integrative medicine by offering traditional veterinary services alongside progressive, holistic and alternative therapies. Our progressive therapies are complementary to traditional medicine, providing us more resources to help keep your pet healthy and to treat chronic conditions and provide drug-free alternatives to pain management. With this approach, we can help your pet maintain good health throughout his or her life.

Our mission is to use all resources available to us to keep pets healthy, heal pets when they become sick, and improve the quality of life of all pets. Our compassionate and dedicated healthcare team is committed to providing very personal attention, working with you to understand and address the health needs of your pets.


Burke Animal Clinic 703-569-9600
6307 Lee Chapel Rd,
Burke , VA 22015 UNITED STATES
Burke Animal Clinic

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Burke Animal Clinic
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Burke Animal Clinic

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