Ritchie Automotive

Ritchie Automotive

Auto Repair in Glen Burnie, MD

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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98 Georgia Ave NE,
Glen Burnie , MD 21060 UNITED STATES

About Ritchie Automotive

Ritchie Automotive can be traced back to 1971 in Northwest Baltimore, where the founder began specializing in rebuilding the popular Volkswagen engines. By the end of the decade, the modest operation has grown to a fifteen bay, 6,000-square foot engine manufacturing and installation facility. Ritchie Automotive’s circle of satisfied customers, in both retail and wholesale, grew rapidly to surrounding counties and states. Ritchie Automotive is a trusted name and has an outstanding reputation, bringing customers from extraordinary distances, helping them maximize the useful life of their vehicle. With so many years of professional experience in quality engine installations, the name "Ritchie Automotive," speaks for itself.


Ritchie Automotive 410-761-4600
98 Georgia Ave NE,
Glen Burnie , MD 21060 UNITED STATES
Ritchie Automotive

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