Lindinger's Deli & Catering

Lindinger's Deli & Catering

Restaurants in North Wales, PA

Restaurants Caterers Convenience Stores and Delis

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515 Stump Rd,
North Wales , PA 19454 UNITED STATES

About Lindinger's Deli & Catering

We are the Delaware Valley's catering expert. Located in Montgomery County, Lindinger's catering was established in 1985. Over the years, we have established relationships with many families, organizations, and corporations who have used us time and time again. Our focus and goal is provide excellent food and service at a reasonable price. It's with this goal in mind, that Lindinger's is able to serve the catering needs everywhere from the US Army and local corporations, to family parties and church groups.


Lindinger's Deli & Catering 215-393-5277
515 Stump Rd,
North Wales , PA 19454 UNITED STATES
Lindinger's Deli & Catering

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Lindinger's Deli & Catering
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Lindinger's Deli & Catering

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