Auto Repair in Malibu, CA
Auto Repair • Auto Parts and Accessories
3728 Cross Creek Rd,
Malibu ,
Auto repairs of all makes and models, even Classic car tune ups and maintenance. We offer tire mounting and balancing of tires up to 22", Diesel, SUVs, Hybrids, Four wheel drive vehicles, AWD vehicles, Prius, Subaru, BMW, Jaguar, Mercedes and Limousines. We install new transmissions, new batteries, brakes, etc. Our location is quiet, private, secluded and safe. We are in the heart of Malibu. Go to the beach and surf while you wait. Our owner previously built limousines, owned boats and has had some really nice fast cars. If you need a rental car, Malibu has Budget Rent-A-Car around the corner. They will pick you up at the auto shop while you wait and bring you back after you drop off your car upon return.
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