Dunes Podiatry

Dunes Podiatry

Doctors in Murrells Inlet, SC

Doctors Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

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11945 Grandhaven Dr Ste G,
Murrells Inlet , SC 29576 UNITED STATES

About Dunes Podiatry

Dunes Podiatry LLC is a Podiatric surgical and medical practice that is committed to providing each patient with an exceptional level of care and attention. All of our physicians have had extensive training in diagnosing, treating and preventing foot and ankle disorders in patients of all ages.

Our office is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment that allows our physicians to provide comprehensive foot care while taking the time to understand and treat each patient's needs. Dunes Podiatry is committed to providing each patient with a customized treatment plan tailored to our patient's needs.

Dunes Podiatry has 3 locations serving the "Grand Strand" area. We offer hours Monday thru Friday, and accept same-day appointments (based on availability)


Dunes Podiatry 843-357-3762
11945 Grandhaven Dr Ste G,
Murrells Inlet , SC 29576 UNITED STATES
Dunes Podiatry

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Dunes Podiatry

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