Clarence Pet Grooming

Clarence Pet Grooming

Pets in Clarence, NY

Pets Pet Care and Grooming

Contact us


10295 Main St,
Clarence , NY 14031 UNITED STATES

About Clarence Pet Grooming

Welcome to Clarence Pet Grooming! Please come and check out our brand new, super clean grooming salon. We would love to give you dog or cat the one-on-one attention they deserve.

We offer same day appointments!

Call us today and mention you found us online:

* current furry clients will get $5 OFF their next groom &
* new customers will get $10 OFF
(one discount per client and may only be used once)

Call us today! You will be glad you did!


Clarence Pet Grooming 716-220-6622
10295 Main St,
Clarence , NY 14031 UNITED STATES
Clarence Pet Grooming

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Clarence Pet Grooming
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Clarence Pet Grooming

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