Lee Heating and Air Conditioning

Lee Heating and Air Conditioning

Contractors in Charlotte, NC

Contractors Plumbers and Heating Technicians

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4901 E Independence Blvd, Ste 208
Charlotte , NC 28212 UNITED STATES

About Lee Heating and Air Conditioning

Do you need the services of a company that you can trust for everything Air Conditioning related? Why not give the experts at Lee Heating and Air Conditioning a call today? At our company we put the highest emphasis on customer satisfaction and good customer experiences. We have been in business helping people with everyday AC repair in Charlotte for over 10 years, and we hope that you will become our next return customer.

Here at Lee Heating & Air Conditioning we are dedicated to giving our customers exactly what they need. Not only can we repair your AC system and get it up and running again, but we can also provide you with a number of options for your system that will increase the air quality or the energy efficiency of your home air conditioning system.


Lee Heating and Air Conditioning 704-449-0154
4901 E Independence Blvd, Ste 208
Charlotte , NC 28212 UNITED STATES
Lee Heating and Air Conditioning

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