Leiman & Johnson, LLC

Leiman & Johnson, LLC

Lawyers and Law Firms in Eugene, Oregon

Lawyers and Law Firms

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44 W. Broadway, Ste 326
Eugene , Oregon 97401 UNITED STATES

About Leiman & Johnson, LLC

Our goal is to recover the compensation you are owed under the law. To do that, we are ready and willing to file lawsuits in state and federal court to recover your wages and penalties, as well as litigation costs and our attorneys’ fees. However, litigation is uncertain and expensive. Because of that, we prefer to find quick and fair negotiated settlements when possible. Still, some employers and their attorneys prefer the more time and money consuming litigation approach.



Leiman & Johnson, LLC 541-345-2376
44 W. Broadway, Ste 326
Eugene , Oregon 97401 UNITED STATES
Leiman & Johnson, LLC

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Leiman & Johnson, LLC
Lawyers and Law Firms
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employment lawyers,  labor law attorneys,  wage attorneys employee lawyers
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Leiman & Johnson, LLC

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