Weston Veterinary Clinic

Weston Veterinary Clinic

Pets in Weston, MA

Pets Veterinarians

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152 Boston Post Road,
Weston , MA 02493 UNITED STATES

About Weston Veterinary Clinic

Weston Veterinary Clinic is a full service, state-of-the-art veterinary practice that was established in 1956. Our staff includes three general practice veterinarians and a board certified veterinary surgeon. Our doctors practice a primary care model of medicine. This means that you and your pet will establish a relationship with your doctor in much the same way that you probably have with your own primary care physician. Each time your pet requires medical attention your appointment will be with your pets primary care veterinarian.

Weston Veterinary Clinic offers a full range of medical, surgical, and dental services provided by Drs. Bentley, Krawshuk and Storey. Our staff surgeon, Dr Woolfson, is able to provide more advanced surgical or orthopedic procedures. A visiting consultant provides ultrasound and endoscopic imaging services. We also maintain a close working relationship with specialists should, for example, your pet require advanced dental, dermatology, neurology or behavioral services.

For most of us, our pets are more like a member of the family. In order to keep your companion as happy and healthy as possible, we recommend routine annual physical examinations, vaccinations and year-round parasite protection. For your senior pets, bi-annual examinations and laboratory testing may be recommended. We also emphasize preventive dental care and proper nutrition.

Advances in veterinary medicine mean that there are often numerous specialty medical and surgical options available to you. To help you choose the care that is best for both you and your pet, our veterinarians are committed to staying up-to-date in their knowledge and awareness of the constant changes that occur in companion animal medicine. They attend continuing education courses, consult with referral institutions and work with many vendors to be at the forefront of their practice. However, it is the personal touch and individual relationship that our doctors will establish with you a


Weston Veterinary Clinic 781-899-5377
152 Boston Post Road,
Weston , MA 02493 UNITED STATES
Weston Veterinary Clinic

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Weston Veterinary Clinic

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