Cassidy Painting

Cassidy Painting

Auto Repair in New Castle, DE

Auto Repair Contractors

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3128 New Castle Avenue,
New Castle , DE 19720 UNITED STATES

About Cassidy Painting

For over 25 years, Cassidy Painting has provided the East Coast with unmatched quality and customer service within our industry. From high profile commercial buildings to large industrial complexes, our customers come to us when they need reliable, experienced professionals and innovative solutions to meet their individual project needs.
Located in Newport, DE, we have served thousands of businesses throughout the mid-Atlantic region and along the entire East Coast. Our services include but are not limited to, commercial painting, industrial coatings, fireproofing, sandblasting services, and fleet/automotive refinishing. One of our knowledgeable technicians will be happy to provide an estimate and discuss your needs


Cassidy Painting 302-326-2412
3128 New Castle Avenue,
New Castle , DE 19720 UNITED STATES
Cassidy Painting

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