Cantrell Green Pekich Cruz & McCort

Cantrell Green Pekich Cruz & McCort

Lawyers and Law Firms in Long Beach, CA

Lawyers and Law Firms Law and Courts

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444 W Ocean Blvd,
Long Beach , CA 90802 UNITED STATES

About Cantrell Green Pekich Cruz & McCort

Cantrell Green Pekich Cruz & McCort has been serving the needs of injured workers in the Long Beach and surrounding areas since 1971. Let us help you obtain the benefits your are entitled to. Our firm handles several types of cases including: Workers Compensation Defense Base Act Cases, Federal Longshore & Harbor Workers Compensation, Disability Retirement for Public Employees, Social Security Disability, Carpenters Ombudsman for those injured in a construction accident. Give us a call today.


Cantrell Green Pekich Cruz & McCort 562-432-8421
444 W Ocean Blvd,
Long Beach , CA 90802 UNITED STATES
Cantrell Green Pekich Cruz & McCort

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