Liott Back & Neck Care Center

Liott Back & Neck Care Center

Hospitals and Medical Centers in Sarasota, FL

Hospitals and Medical Centers Chiropractors

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2477 Stickney Point Rd, Ste 202a,
Sarasota , FL 34231 UNITED STATES

About Liott Back & Neck Care Center

After setting an appointment and arriving for your first visit, you'll enjoy the friendly staff and vibrant atmosphere. After completing some simple paperwork to help the doctor understand the history of your health, you'll meet the doctor. Your doctor will review your health history and determine if your problem is likely to be helped with chiropractic care. It is, a thorough examination usually follows. Your reflexes may be tested, your ability to turn and bend, and other standard orthopedic, neurological, and chiropractic testes will be conducted. If necessary, X-ray views of your spine may be taken. The doctors will then study the results of these examinations and explains what they mean. Then, he will recommend a care program designed for your unique health problem. "Everything is explained in advance so you can ask questions, understand what the doctor has found,and what can be done to help you"With a complete understanding of your condition, you're ready for your chiropractic adjustment. Adjustments help restore proper spinal and nervous system function, promoting the healing process. Continued visits help retrain the supporting muscles and ligaments of your spine. Periodic examinations will monitor your progress.


Liott Back & Neck Care Center 941-923-2567
2477 Stickney Point Rd, Ste 202a,
Sarasota , FL 34231 UNITED STATES
Liott Back & Neck Care Center

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Liott Back & Neck Care Center
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