Larrys Grand Ole Garage

Larrys Grand Ole Garage

Karaoke in Madison, TN

Karaoke Night Clubs

Contact us


549 East Maple Street,
Madison , TN 37115 UNITED STATES

About Larrys Grand Ole Garage

Larry's Grand Ole Garage in Madison, Tennessee plays host to two different live entertainment venues; the Bluegrass Music Jam and Band Night as well as the Country Music Diner & Dance Hall. Whether you are looking for traditional country music or bluegrass music, Larry's Grand Ole Garage is the place to be for live music, dancing, and special events in the Nashville area. If you are looking for a great live music venue in Madison, Tennessee, come on down to Larry's Grand Ole Garage and get a taste of the world-famous Nashville sound.


Larrys Grand Ole Garage 615-856-0642
549 East Maple Street,
Madison , TN 37115 UNITED STATES
Larrys Grand Ole Garage

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Larrys Grand Ole Garage
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Larrys Grand Ole Garage

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