Lisa and Company

Lisa and Company

Hair Removal in Bedford, NH

Hair Removal Skin Care Beauty Salons and Services

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13 S River Rd,
Bedford , NH 03110 UNITED STATES

About Lisa and Company

Lisa and Company is a beauty salon located in Bedford, New Hampshire, that specializes in hair care services, hair coloring, nail services, electrolysis, and skin care for both men and women. We have been long known for personalized, all-natural skin care treatments and products for more than 15 years. Growing from a small facility into a full scale salon, we have always been one of the most trusted and respected names in the industry. Our clientele is made up of both men and women who realize the importance of good skin care. Our experienced staff is very knowledgeable and always ready to assist with your skin and hair care needs and concerns.


Lisa and Company 603-623-7600
13 S River Rd,
Bedford , NH 03110 UNITED STATES
Lisa and Company

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Lisa and Company
Hair Removal
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Lisa and Company

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