Salit Auto Sales and Repair

Salit Auto Sales and Repair

Auto Dealers in Edison, NJ

Auto Dealers Auto Repair

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1855 Woodbridge Ave.,
Edison , NJ 08817 UNITED STATES

About Salit Auto Sales and Repair

We specialize in low mileage cars, minivans, trucks, convertibles and coupes. We have been in business since 1995 and have maintained a A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau since we signed up with them. When we buy a vehicle we have ourselves and our family in mind. If we aren't comfortable selling it to someone we know or a family member, we stay away from it. We believe in safety and that's why before any vehicle is delivered it goes into our service department.


Salit Auto Sales and Repair 732-246-4811
1855 Woodbridge Ave.,
Edison , NJ 08817 UNITED STATES
Salit Auto Sales and Repair

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Salit Auto Sales and Repair
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Salit Auto Sales and Repair

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