Horn's Paint & Body

Horn's Paint & Body

Automotive in Compton, CA

Automotive Auto Repair

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1411 N. Long Beach Blvd.,
Compton , CA 90221 UNITED STATES

About Horn's Paint & Body

Guaranteed Service & Guaranteed Saving
Your life shouldn't come to a screeching halt just because your car was involved in a wreck. That's why, everything we do at Horn’s Body & Paint is geared towards restoring your vehicle to pre-accident condition and getting you back on schedule with your busy life.
Horn’s Body & Paint started business in 1979 and now has over 25 years of experience in auto body paint and repair work. We specialize in car polishing and collision repair services. We also have a double sided spray booth.
If you have any questions or would like to speak with our technician with respect to our products and services, please call us at (310) 928-3008. We are your one stop shop strictly for paint and body work jobs.

Committed To Quality
When your vehicle has been involved in a collision, you need all the help you can get without having to go through a hassle. We will assist you with the insurance paperwork and you will receive a written warranty on all repairs. Above all, we accept all insurances.

Fast, Fair & Friendly Service
No matter which style you choose, you can be sure of one thing; our quality and craftsmanship are the best in the business. Our technicians are experienced, providing reliable and efficient services to customers at reasonable prices.
We provide car paint and auto body estimates for free. We will also beat any competitor’s price, but you must bring a written estimate.
Feel free to call us at 310-928-3008 and schedule an appointment. We are a secure, strictly paint and body work site providing paint and body work at competitive pricing.


Horn's Paint & Body 310-886-0677
1411 N. Long Beach Blvd.,
Compton , CA 90221 UNITED STATES
Horn's Paint & Body

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