Lockridge Animal Hospital

Lockridge Animal Hospital

Pets in Manchester, NH

Pets Veterinarians

Contact us


1153 Hanover St,
Manchester , NH 03104 UNITED STATES

About Lockridge Animal Hospital

As veterinarians, our work with animals is inspired by love and guided by knowledge. We strive to provide compassionate care that will enhance the quality of life and the longevity of all our patients.

To ensure that we offer only our very best we pledge a commitment to continuous improvement in all that we do. Expansion and advancement of our medical knowledge and skills. Personal growth and development. Constant enhancements and improvements to our facilities and equipment. Attention to the smallest of details that may be of critical importance to our patients and clients.

We embrace a concern for all living creatures both human and animal. Therefore we will work with the pet owner and be mindful of their emotions and expectations. We will make every effort to exceed the expectations and desires of our clients. If successful, we will have shared and celebrated with the owner one of God's most wonderful gifts to mankind: the human/animal bond!


Lockridge Animal Hospital 603-624-4378
1153 Hanover St,
Manchester , NH 03104 UNITED STATES
Lockridge Animal Hospital

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Lockridge Animal Hospital
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Lockridge Animal Hospital

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