Todd Rowe Orthodontics

Todd Rowe Orthodontics

Dentists in Leominster, MA


Contact us


11 Park St.,
Leominster , MA 01453 UNITED STATES

About Todd Rowe Orthodontics

When you’re our patient, you’re a member of our family. We treat you with the same compassion, ethics, and respect we’d offer a loved one!
For Dr. Todd Rowe, Dr. Benjamin Canary, and our team, orthodontics is more than changing a person’s appearance: it’s helping that person develop a stable, functional bite, while growing their self-esteem as they achieve a beautifully healthy, confident smile!

As a patient-centered practice, we are respectful of each person’s unique concerns and goals. Because we offer a range of advanced orthodontic solutions, Dr. Rowe is able to craft individual treatment plans that work for a patient’s clinical needs and personal desires.

His goal, and that of the team, is to have you sharing your new smile in a timely manner, and to look back on your time in braces with a smile.


Todd Rowe Orthodontics 978-537-6100
11 Park St.,
Leominster , MA 01453 UNITED STATES
Todd Rowe Orthodontics

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