Center for Dental Anesthesia

Center for Dental Anesthesia

Dentists in Alexandria, VA


Contact us


5284 Dawes Ave,
Alexandria , VA 22311 UNITED STATES

About Center for Dental Anesthesia

Going to the dentist can be quick, easy and free of pain and anxiety. At the Center for Dental Anesthesia, we offer safe, affordable anesthesia and the complete range of sedation options for all dentistry procedures, including cosmetic dentistry - porcelain crowns and veneers, dental implants, Invisalign and dental implants - root canals, oral surgery, pediatric dentistry and top-quality geriatric and special-needs dentistry Our safe and effective sedation dentistry services make it possible for us to provide full dental care in complete comfort for every individual. Our Alexandria cosmetic and sedation dentists Dr. Zeyad Mady, Dr. James Geren and team are fully trained in anesthesia and have extensive experience. Call today!


Center for Dental Anesthesia 703-814-5917
5284 Dawes Ave,
Alexandria , VA 22311 UNITED STATES
Center for Dental Anesthesia

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Center for Dental Anesthesia

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