Dialog One, Translators & Interpreters

Dialog One, Translators & Interpreters

Business Consulting and Services in Saint Paul, MN

Business Consulting and Services

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2380 Wycliff St, Ste 200
Saint Paul , MN 55114 UNITED STATES

About Dialog One, Translators & Interpreters

Roberto Fonts, the founder and CEO of Dialog One, has over 20 years of executive experience in managing cross cultural communication services. His work focused on delivering cultural mediation services to foreign-born communities and their service providers such as the medical, legal, financial and human service professions. Roberto's leadership demands high expectations from Dialog One's management team. His commitment in providing innovative, expeditious and precise quality of service gives him an aged in the marketplace. Currently, Roberto manages over 20 direct reporting staff and has recruited over 5,000 qualified bilingual worldwide. His commitment for quality has allowed him to introduce a course named Empower by Listening™. This program raises the professional bar for interpreters as well as service providers that are working to service communities with limited English proficiency.


Dialog One, Translators & Interpreters 651-379-8600
2380 Wycliff St, Ste 200
Saint Paul , MN 55114 UNITED STATES
Dialog One, Translators & Interpreters

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Dialog One, Translators & Interpreters
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