Bruce Walters Mazda Mitsubishi

Bruce Walters Mazda Mitsubishi

Auto Dealers in Pikeville, KY

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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3987 North Mayo Trail,
Pikeville , KY 41501 UNITED STATES

About Bruce Walters Mazda Mitsubishi

We are now in our 48th year of service to the community and have the 3rd generation of the Walters family involved on a day to day basis. It was our founder, E. Bruce Walters, belief that one should apply the golden rule to all business decisions, and we are proud to say that this very same rule holds true today. We treat our friends, neighbors and customers as we would choose to be treated. This has resulted in the Walters family selling more new and used cars in Eastern Kentucky than all the other local dealerships combined. As a result, we will continue to treat you, our customer, as you deserve to be treated, and always with respect.


Bruce Walters Mazda Mitsubishi 606-444-2255
3987 North Mayo Trail,
Pikeville , KY 41501 UNITED STATES
Bruce Walters Mazda Mitsubishi

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Bruce Walters Mazda Mitsubishi
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Bruce Walters Mazda Mitsubishi

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