John H Kim DDS

John H Kim DDS

Dentists in Lafayette, CA


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901 Moraga Rd, Suite.B,
Lafayette , CA 94549 UNITED STATES

About John H Kim DDS

Family dental practice with emphasis on cosmetic dentistry and periodontal health. We provide services such as Invisalign and PerioProtect as well as porcelain veneers and Emax all ceramic crowns and bridge that allows x-ray to penetrate for superior dental diagnosis.

Our office is fully computerized and equipped with modern devices such as digital radiography that can be scanned into the computer and viewed in larger detail and intraoral camera that allows the patient to see the inside of their own mouth. We also have a HD TV monitor installed on the ceiling of each operatory that allows every patient to enjoy Netflix movies during their visit.

We have been in practice for 24 years. We are totally committed to providing the highest quality dentistry for every patient. Every patient is guaranteed a pleasant dental experience.


John H Kim DDS 925-284-9404
901 Moraga Rd, Suite.B,
Lafayette , CA 94549 UNITED STATES
John H Kim DDS

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John H Kim DDS

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