Ryzen Lighting Group

Ryzen Lighting Group

Contractors in Grandville, MI


Contact us


2950 Prairie St SW, Suite 400
Grandville , MI 49418 UNITED STATES

About Ryzen Lighting Group

Ryzen Lighting Group has a unique business model in which we provide a service to help you navigate through the ever-changing lighting technology and utility incentives. We handle all the messy paperwork that comes along with capitalizing on the multiple incentive programs that are available to you. Most of these rebate programs are being funded by you already in one of the multiple line items on your monthly electric bill. The rebate money does not come from the government or the utility company it comes from you in the form of a surcharge. We at Ryzen help you take advantage of the programs that you are already funding each month.


Ryzen Lighting Group 800-975-0133
2950 Prairie St SW, Suite 400
Grandville , MI 49418 UNITED STATES
Ryzen Lighting Group

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Ryzen Lighting Group

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