Acupuncture in Needham, MA
105 Chestnut St.,
Unit 36
Needham ,
Boston Chinese Acupuncture was founded by Li Zheng and Changhong Zhou. Trained in China at the prestigious Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, they each have more than 30 years of clinical experience in Chinese Medicine, treating infertility, weight loss, depression, neck pain, back pain, allergies, IBS, arthritis, diabetes, glaucoma, insomnia, stress, anxiety, migraine, tendonitis, neuropathy, allergies, impotence, dry eyes, enlarged prostate, and macular degeneration.
Dr. Zheng is also certified in facial rejuvenation, in which micro-thin needles are used to tone the facial muscles and remove wrinkles naturally and painlessly. Dr. Zheng and Zhou have also written four books: Acupuncture and Hormone Balance, Acupuncture and Infertility, Erectile Dysfunction and Prostate Problems, Acupuncture for Longevity, and Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine for Common Diseases to explain the mechanisms of acupuncture and how you can prevent heart disease, cancer, inflammation, depression, and high cholesterol. Their website provides recent research information and clinical case studies to educate people to become healthier and happier:
She is a professor at the New England School of Acupuncture, the Director of Natural Medicine at the American Chinese Medical Exchange Society, and a consultant for the Autism Institute in Boston and Health Grid Inc, MA.
Based on 1 reviews
I went to BCA for treatment for an ankle injury I had received the previous day. Before treatment, my ankle was in severe pain and I couldn't walk. After a hour of acupuncture with electrical stimulation, I could walk and exercise just a day later. Li's knowledge and experience makes the treatment process comfortable and relaxing. I continue to visit BCA for other treatments on sports related injuries and have seen excellent results.
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