The Treatment Helpline of Irvine

The Treatment Helpline of Irvine

Health and Medical in Irvine, CA

Health and Medical Counseling & Mental Health

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14252 CULVER DR Ste.155,
Irvine , CA 92604 UNITED STATES

About The Treatment Helpline of Irvine

Drug Rehab Irvine | Alcohol Rehab Irvine 1 in 8 Americans struggle with addiction. You're not alone. We provide assistance to those who are looking for drug and alcohol rehab. 24/7 helpline.

Are alcohol and drugs taking over your life? Then let Treatment Helpline of Irvine provide the alcohol and drug rehab you need to get you back your life. We will help you break the habit that is destroying your life. Learn how to lead a healthier lifestyle and how to make better choices with the help of our trained medical staff. They will offer support and empathy during this transition in your life.


The Treatment Helpline of Irvine 949-220-2308
14252 CULVER DR Ste.155,
Irvine , CA 92604 UNITED STATES
The Treatment Helpline of Irvine

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The Treatment Helpline of Irvine
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The Treatment Helpline of Irvine

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