

Keys & Locksmiths in Corpus Christi, TX

Keys & Locksmiths Alarm Services and Security

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1915 S.Staples,
Corpus Christi , TX 78404 UNITED STATES

About LocksmithCorpusChristiABCKEY.com

family owned since 75, locksmithcorpuschristiabckey is abc keys and safes tx.lic.#b09388 ,we do key replacement,car opening,safe opening lockout service,rekey homes businesses,masterkey systems,electronic lock install sales and service,call us,we will quote a price and stick to it,we don't fix it,we don't charge you,not even a trip charge,please don't call asking us to help you break in to a bank at midnight,or to help you take back a car that all the paper work is in your name,so it is your car, all this you are reading may sound like we are LOLing,we are,and we are not,call us for any key,lock,or safe problem,we are not going to charge you $400.00 to rekey a couple of locks,if you are looking for that type of service call someone else,our address is 1913 S.Staples,Corpus Christi Tex,78404 same since 75, phone # 361-884-5922 call us if something goes wrong with the service we gave you,,,you wont be calling for that,but if you need to you can sure find us ,,hope if you use some other key company ,and you have a problem,you can find them to get your problem resolved,if not,or you are not getting the servive you know you deserve....CALL US,, we haven't been here for 39 years for nothing,yes we do chip keys, we take credit cards, we charge resonable rates ,,call us for a quote,call to cuss us out for bad service (you won't) we won't give you reason to,call us we dare you.......service+good additude+resonable price=ABC Keys and Safes ,always here for you...


LocksmithCorpusChristiABCKEY.com 361-884-5922
1915 S.Staples,
Corpus Christi , TX 78404 UNITED STATES

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