Independent Commissioning Consulting

Independent Commissioning Consulting

Home Services in Glendale, CA

Home Services Contractors Architectural Firms

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1017 Melrose Avenue,
Glendale , CA 91202 UNITED STATES

About Independent Commissioning Consulting

ICC is a highly successful Independent Whole Building Commissioning & Energy Modeling Company with over 24 years of experience in the A/E/C industry. ICC provides LEED Commissioning for both Fundamental & Enhanced Projects, and Existing Building Commissioning (EBCx). ICC also provides Cx Process Training, and Building Performance Consulting due to our intensive field experience and engineering capacity. Our Field Experience and A/E Design Background make us exceptionally suited to evaluate your project issues, provide successful resolution of your design and operation issues, as well as provide additional management capabilities to your team.

Our staff consists of a multi-disciplinary background of experienced Professional Engineers, Architects, Facility Managers, Owners Representatives, and Construction Managers, providing a unique blend of expertise from all corners of the AEC industry to ensure the owner and design professionals receive highly technical Commissioning support during the design phase, and receive practical and hands-on problem solving when it is most critical during the construction & operational phases of your project.


Independent Commissioning Consulting 818-396-5249
1017 Melrose Avenue,
Glendale , CA 91202 UNITED STATES
Independent Commissioning Consulting

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