Florida Podiatric Medical Association (FPMA)

Florida Podiatric Medical Association (FPMA)

Doctors in Tallahassee, FL

Doctors Community Service Organizations

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410 North Gadsden Street,
Tallahassee , FL 32301 UNITED STATES

About Florida Podiatric Medical Association (FPMA)

The Florida Podiatric Medical Association (FPMA) was organized in 1927 for the purpose of advancing the science and art of Podiatric Medicine. Podiatric Medicine is that profession of the health sciences concerned with diagnosing and treating conditions affecting the human foot, ankle, and their governing and related structures, including the leg and the local manifestations of systemic conditions, by all appropriate systems and means. Continuing today towards that goal, we are dedicated to promoting the importance of podiatric healthcare among the general public and healthcare professionals throughout the state.


Florida Podiatric Medical Association (FPMA) 850-224-4085
410 North Gadsden Street,
Tallahassee , FL 32301 UNITED STATES
Florida Podiatric Medical Association (FPMA)

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Florida Podiatric Medical Association (FPMA)

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