Home Services in Rolling Meadows, IL
Home Services
Rolling Meadows ,
Contact A Professional To Handle Your Inspection. For your protection home inspections are a wise decision for all home owners. A home cannot fail an inspection, while its components major deficiencies can. A home inspection provides you with an objective opinion as to the condition of the property at the time of the inspection. An inspector typically spends between two to four hours evaluating a home, and may recommend further evaluation if problems or symptoms are discovered. At DAK Home Inspections, Inc. we strongly encourage you to attend the inspection with our inspector so that you can ask questions and learn all about your home. Outside inspection: Roof, Doors, Windows, Fencing, Gutters, Siding, Patio/Sidewalks, Foundation, Air Conditioning Unit - Inside Inspections: Furnace, Water Heater/Softener, Electrical System, Plumbing System, Fireplace/Chimney, Attic, Crawl Space, Basement, Floors, Kitchen/Bathroom, Kitchen-Appliances, Interior. Home Inspection Checklist Items Needing Service Home inspection reports do not describe the condition of every component if it's in excellent shape, but should note every item that is defective or needing service. The serious problems are: • Health and safety issues • Roofs with a short life expectancy • Furnace / A/C malfunctions • Foundation deficiencies • Moisture / drainage issues • Safety hazards (Marked) in report are tagged to get your attention. No one should ever take safety hazards lightly. There is a reason pay attention now and not later, when it’s too late.
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