Eastside Automotive & Tire

Eastside Automotive & Tire

Auto Repair in Bellevue, WA

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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12883 Northup Way,
Bellevue , WA 98005 UNITED STATES

About Eastside Automotive & Tire

Thank you for choosing Eastside Automotive & Tire! A full service auto repair and tire shop servicing Bellevue, Kirkland, Redmond, Bothell and Woodinville. For all of your automotive repair and tire needs, choose the complete automotive service center on the Eastside. Our customers are always #1 and you will see the difference when you visit Eastside Automotive & Tire. We are proud to offer competitive prices on our services and our tires. No need to waste time driving from shop to shop looking for the best price, it's here! No one can top our highly trained ASE Certified technicians, who provide superior workmanship to get you back on the road quickly and efficiently. We provide many services such as: brake services, muffler and exhaust systems, transmissions, engine diagnostics and repairs we can handle any job, big or small. We have built our business and reputation on many years of quality and affordable service and tires. Some of our other services include: tire rotation, wheel balance, shocks and struts, computerized alignment, air conditioning, emissions and testing. We also carry a full inventory of tires from name brands such as Goodyear, Dunlop, and Michelin. Stop by today.


Eastside Automotive & Tire 425-881-3248
12883 Northup Way,
Bellevue , WA 98005 UNITED STATES
Eastside Automotive & Tire

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