Little Rascals Childcare

Little Rascals Childcare

Child Care and Day Care Centers in Farmington, WV

Child Care and Day Care Centers

Contact us


3014 Main Street,
Farmington , WV 26571 UNITED STATES

About Little Rascals Childcare

Little Rascals Childcare will be opening its doors in Farmington, WV soon. We will be having an open house before we open. Anyone needing more information can call the daycare and leave a message. We will also be offering night time and saturday daycare. Ages from infants to 12 years of age and will provide afterschool and also once fully up and running will have pre-school too.


Little Rascals Childcare 304-825-6900
3014 Main Street,
Farmington , WV 26571 UNITED STATES
Little Rascals Childcare

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Little Rascals Childcare
Child Care and Day Care Centers
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child care
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Little Rascals Childcare

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