Ariston P Awitan Jr MD

Ariston P Awitan Jr MD

Hospitals and Medical Centers in Houston, TX

Hospitals and Medical Centers

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8810 Willow Wind Lane,
Houston , TX 77083 UNITED STATES

About Ariston P Awitan Jr MD

Joy to Live is a relationship marketing company whose focus is to deliver high quality products to our customers. Whether you are an avid athlete or just looking for ways to improve your diet, your health and finances, you will find our products and compensation plan highly effective. We understand that everyone has a desire to live a stress free, healthy, happy and joyous life daily. Thus, Joy to Live (JTL) was born from that same spirit.

Elite Marketing Alliance (EMA) is the parent company of Joy to Live, which is our “new” brand to share the products and promote the opportunity.

Our products are priced very reasonably and are of the highest quality and our compensation plan is one of the best ever created in the history of Relationship Marketing.

As an organization, we are committed to the success of our independent associates, Elite Business Owners (EBO’s). As an Elite Business Owner, you will have the ability to distribute products and share your story, which is vital to the success of us all. With JTL you will be provided with personal customer support, marketing materials and advanced online management tools. This combination will help you to grow your business and reach high levels of success quickly. At JTL your success is truly our success.

Whether you are looking for a supplemental income source, or a new business venture, EMA/Joy to Live is the right choice for you. Your passion, drive and dedication will move us forward into the future! Together, we will achieve great things and become the number one relationship marketing company in the world. So we welcome you to join us and make a positive difference in the lives of others. Our message is simple: We are simply changing lives with Joy!


Ariston P Awitan Jr MD 832-571-6885
8810 Willow Wind Lane,
Houston , TX 77083 UNITED STATES
Ariston P Awitan Jr MD

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Ariston P Awitan Jr MD
Hospitals and Medical Centers
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Ariston P Awitan Jr MD

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