The Law Offices of Scott D. Rogoff, P.C.

The Law Offices of Scott D. Rogoff, P.C.

Lawyers and Law Firms in Des Plaines, IL

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1700 W Higgins Rd, Ste 430
Des Plaines , IL 60018 UNITED STATES

About The Law Offices of Scott D. Rogoff, P.C.

Since 1994, the Law Offices of Scott D. Rogoff, P.C. have focused on assisting clients with divorce & other family law matters, including property division, spousal maintenance, child custody, visitation, domestic violence, & real estate. Honest, practical and cost-effective legal representation.



The Law Offices of Scott D. Rogoff, P.C. 847-768-2194
1700 W Higgins Rd, Ste 430
Des Plaines , IL 60018 UNITED STATES
The Law Offices of Scott D. Rogoff, P.C.

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The Law Offices of Scott D. Rogoff, P.C.

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