Steven Serna Attorney

Steven Serna Attorney

Lawyers and Law Firms in West New York, NJ

Lawyers and Law Firms

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5300 Bergenline Avenue, Suite 300,
West New York , NJ 07093 UNITED STATES

About Steven Serna Attorney

"We are a boutique law firm which specializes in foreclosure prevention programs and/or the U.S. BANKRUPTCY CODE In Hudson County, Bergen County, NJ.
We also handle a heavy volume of residential and commercial Real-Estate matters including sales, purchases, assignment, leasing and Tax appeals. We have have also guided clients in divorce matters as well as traffic violation/ DWI/ DUI CASES in Hudson County & Bergen County NJ."


Steven Serna Attorney 201-392-0303
5300 Bergenline Avenue, Suite 300,
West New York , NJ 07093 UNITED STATES
Steven Serna Attorney

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Steven Serna Attorney

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