The TMJ Sleep Center

The TMJ Sleep Center

Dentists in Pocatello, ID


Contact us


1777 E Clark St #240,
Pocatello , ID 83201 UNITED STATES

About The TMJ Sleep Center

Pocatello ID dentist Dr. Dwight Romriell and his staff are trained professionals in the treatment of Craniofacial Disorders, Chronic Migraines and Sleep Apnea.

They want to find the source of your pain and provide you the solution that will give you the relief you deserve.

Temporomandibular disorders (TMJ), migraines, swallowing disorders, sleep apnea and snoring are medical conditions; therefore, we do follow a medical model.


The TMJ Sleep Center 208-904-3632
1777 E Clark St #240,
Pocatello , ID 83201 UNITED STATES
The TMJ Sleep Center

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The TMJ Sleep Center
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The TMJ Sleep Center

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