Kings Massapequa C-Store

Kings Massapequa C-Store

Gas & Service Stations in Massapequa, NY

Gas & Service Stations Convenience Stores and Delis

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5389 Merrick Rd,
Massapequa , NY 11758 UNITED STATES

About Kings Massapequa C-Store

Bolla Market is "Taking Convenience to a Whole New Level" on Long Island and in New York City! With the Bolla Gourmet Organic Coffee, wide variety of fresh gourmet foods from the Bolla Gourmet Deli, unique healthy snack alternatives and luxurious, marble, state-of-the-art bathrooms, Bolla Market is quickly becoming New York's "Neighborhood Convenience Store! With the addition of LED lighting, beautiful seasonal landscaping, HDTV's in-store, Gas Station TV at the pumps, Bolla Market is truly a game changer in the convenience store industry.



Kings Massapequa C-Store 516-308-7505
5389 Merrick Rd,
Massapequa , NY 11758 UNITED STATES
Kings Massapequa C-Store

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Kings Massapequa C-Store
Gas & Service Stations
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gasoline service stations,  oil and gas,  self service gas stations specialty gourmet foods
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Kings Massapequa C-Store

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