Our Masters Camp

Our Masters Camp

Hospitals and Medical Centers in Pikeville, TN

Hospitals and Medical Centers

Contact us


Boys Camp Rd,
Pikeville , TN 37367 UNITED STATES

About Our Masters Camp

Addiction to chemical substances disrupts all facets of a person’s life: the physical body, the psychological and spiritual self, and social relations. The discipleship approach at Our Master’s Camp engages participants in curriculum studies, activities and relationships designed to aid in the re-creation of each of these areas. The segments of the program facilitate these changes and are incorporated into a personal recovery plan: Save a Life Contact Our Masters Camp Now! 423.447.2340,Recovery So Affordable, You Can Fly In and Still Save


Our Masters Camp 423-447-2340
Boys Camp Rd,
Pikeville , TN 37367 UNITED STATES
Our Masters Camp

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Our Masters Camp
Hospitals and Medical Centers
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drug rehab,  addiction care,  aural rehabilitation
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Our Masters Camp

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