HROCK Church

HROCK Church

Non For Profit Organizations in Pasadena, CA

Non For Profit Organizations

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131 S. St. John Ave.,
Pasadena , CA 91105 UNITED STATES

About HROCK Church

Che and Sue Ahn arrived in Pasadena from Maryland in 1984 and with a group planted “Abundant Life Church of Pasadena”. About ten years later “Harvest Rock Church” was birthed through a prayer meeting with about 30 people in the Ahn’s home. During a four year period beginning in 1995, three other churches joined forces to demonstrate the power of unity, focused on seeing lives changed in Los Angeles. The 2500 seat Mott Auditorium became the home of our church where we hosted five nights a week of meetings for 3 ½ years.

In 1996 we launched an international operation called “Harvest International Ministry” (HIM) to help the poor around the world. They are now in over forty nations with over 6500 associated churches and ministries with a vision of establishing churches that will impact their communities in a tangible way, including helping children at risk by establishing children’s homes for orphans, former child soldiers and those rescued from the sex trade traffic.

On September 2, 2000, Pastor Che and then Associate Pastor Lou Engle founded “TheCall”, a movement that mobilized 400,000 young people in Washington DC Mall, to pray for the spiritual condition and renewal of our country. Lou Engle continues to serve as President of TheCall and is now based in Kansas City, Missouri and is still part of the leadership team for HIM.

In May of 2004, we purchased the World-renown Ambassador Auditorium and have been calling it home since June of that year. We thank God for this venue and we’re using it for many different aspects of our mission, including the arts. Overall, our purpose is to reach Los Angeles with the life altering and sustaining love of Jesus Christ, and be a base to develop many congregations through our cell group strategy where people can connect in community and be advanced closer to God.

As part of our reaching out through Ambassador Auditorium, we’ve been part of some amazing things, such as being a location for the film version of “Dream Girls” and having the Fox series “24” and the TNT series “Leverage” shot here. We’ve hosted The Pasadena Symphony, Pasadena Pops, California Philharmonic and LA Chamber Orchestras. The LA Children’s Chorus, New York Salvation Army Brass Band, The Colburn School and Ambassador’s first theatrical production by the Shakespearian League of Sierra Madre, The Wizard of Oz.

In 2010, based on our desire to reach out into our community and provide hope in a meaning in a relevant way, Harvest Rock Church became known as a HROCK Church. While not abandoning our core values, HROCK Church has now refocused its vision on reaching our community with God’s love n by “Connecting Community, Advancing People… Closer to God.”


HROCK Church 626-398-2489
131 S. St. John Ave.,
Pasadena , CA 91105 UNITED STATES
HROCK Church

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HROCK Church
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HROCK Church

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