Real Time Athletes

Real Time Athletes

Sporting Goods in Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks, CA

Sporting Goods

Contact us


501-i South Reino Road, Suite 199,
Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks , CA 91320 UNITED STATES

About Real Time Athletes

Real Time Athletes is the only online scout and recruiting tool in the world that connects college scouts, college recruits, high school and club coaches and tournament directors together within a closed loop time and location search engine.
In fact we are the worlds only time and location search engine for college recruits.
Our patent pending search technology makes this an invaluable tool for athletes, tournament directors, club coach's and college scouts.
If you are a college recruit and want a college scout to find where you are performing, or if you are a college scout and want to find out where a college recruit is performing, or if you are a high school or travel coach and want anyone to know where you players are performing, or if you are a tournament or camp director and want to let everyone know where your athletes are performing.... RTA is the tool for you!
- See more at:


Real Time Athletes 805-504-5806
501-i South Reino Road, Suite 199,
Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks , CA 91320 UNITED STATES
Real Time Athletes

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Real Time Athletes
Sporting Goods
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Real Time Athletes

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